Anyone else getting sick of pivoting?
I was working with a client changing up the messaging on her website around Covid restrictions, AGAIN, when we started joking about how they’ve had to pivot so much we might as well start calling it pirouetting.
How many times over the last year have we been asked (read: expected (read: FORCED)) to 180 it, only to have to turn back and do it all over again this past year? Man, flattening this curve has felt like trying to roll out cold pizza dough. #IYKYK.
If the past 19 months have taught me anything, it’s that sometimes a change of direction won’t cut it.
In a related (read: not directly related but kind of will be by the end of this email) story, I was scrolling through my personal Instagram yesterday and saw a picture I took of my daughter on her birthday. Part of the caption said:
“Some people change you; this girl burnt me to the ground and built me back up.”

MAN. I’m SMART. Haha. I’m kidding – that was 100% a truth bubbling up from my heart.
It’s painful but it’s true. It’s not enough to change it up some times. The woman I was before I gave birth to my first little gem of a girl, was not in any way, shape or form, ready to be her mother.
She ran me through pregnancy, labour (oh lawd the labour), sleeplessness, and a good hard look at myself – and by God, the growth she forced me through in those events and more, were the only route that could guide me through the intense learning I had to do to be able to claim the strength, confidence, tenacity, fierce love and commitment to make me worthy of being her mother.
Guys, my Instagram account got deleted for no reason.
Shameful! Lora, how dare you speak of an IG account and becoming a mother in the same post! Please forgive me.
Moving on.
It’s true. My Instagram was deleted without any explanation as to why. At first I was pretty upset. Then as I started to rebuild my account I could feel a growing sense of authenticity forming in my new feed.
I’ve grown so much since I started my first Hummingbird Media account. As a business owner, as a woman, as a friend and as a member of this crazy human race, and the people I was following, if I’m being honest, were sliding slowly but surely into something kind of negative, and taking me with them.
It turns out that fresh start was the best thing Instagram ever recommended for me. And it feels much more authentic this time around.
Give ya gurl a follow?
I definitely want to stay in touch and it’s easier for me to do that on the ‘gram. So if you feel so inclined, give this link a click and follow me if you’re feeling it.
If you’re not, no presh. I always save my good stuff for my email community anyway. 😉 You can sign up here.
Here’s to burning it all down!
XO Lora