my parents are heroes.
I grew up in a family of seven. The oldest of five kids, I paved the way for my siblings’ coolness and they have yet to thank me, but that is neither here nor there.

My parents were a team. Sure there were speed bumps like there are in any marriage, but at the end of the day they were always on the same page with everything.
My dad was always the sole breadwinner when we were growing up, and he put the “hard” in hard work. He was so dedicated to providing for us and we never had to wonder if he’d make stuff happen for us.
That’s why it was so shocking when he said he wanted to quit his job.
my dad got the entrepreneurial call.
Of course there was some back and forth about whether or not that was a great idea, but eventually they came to the conclusion that it was better to risk diving into the unknown, than continue on at a job that made him miserable and that never let him reach his full potential.
From there, I saw him WORK. He worked so frigging hard. Building up a name for himself, working up the courage to present his skills, trying this and trying that to see what worked. He was a true entrepreneur.
But my dudes, more than that, he was HAPPY. Like perma-grin happy. Because for the first time, his hard work was turning into something really cool – something that was all his own.
Seeing him build something out of nothing, on his own terms, with his own morals, and leaving his mark around town in such a meaningful way – it was a thing to behold.
but building a business is hard. especially in 2021.
Building a business has always been a lot of hard work. But since my dad started his business, we’ve grown this entire second world, the digital world, and now in addition to building a physical business, it’s becoming imperative that you also build a second digitized version.
for some reason, I just understand the digital space.
I don’t know why, but I just know how to do this stuff.
It truly feels like a gift. And I know we all use that term interchangeably with talent, but that’s stripping it from its source.
This is a gift I was given, for no reason other than being open to exploring it. And when I use it to help small businesses, it feels like I am using it to help my dad, which is its own, second gift. And the way I want to use this gift, is to give it to the other hardworking, laying it all out there, leaving it all on the field entrepreneurs out there, to give them a leg up in this second, digital landscape.
That’s why I built Smallmart, No Stress SEO course and developed DIY Design. And that’s why if you ever need anything in this crazy digital space, I hope you’ll give me a call and let me use that gift for you.