I’ve worked with a few powerful women and in my experience, power + women shows up in one of two ways.
There’s the type of female-owned power that’s born of and rooted in the feminine, and then there’s another type that feels like a woman wearing a man’s power suit. Both are effective and GSD, but one is welcoming, where the other less so.
Dr. Laura Foster is the queeeen of that first group. She has done the work – and it shows. She exudes a feminine power that is grounded in a cultivated, thorough, intentional and clear knowing of herself. The most beautiful part of it is that instead of feeling intimidating or unattainable, it feels like a bright & airy room, with the french doors flung wide open, and the drapes floating on a welcoming wind, waving you in to show you the way to achieving that same end for yourself.
Not to get too emotional or anything.
Dr. Laura knows her strengths and her weaknesses. And what makes her SO effective, is that she is able to step down and be a student with ease and not an ounce of shame, because she knows that she is capital-G-O-O-D good at what she does. This is the piece that trips up so many entrepreneurs – just because you’re totally capable and can do everything, doesn’t mean that you should do everything – and Dr. Laura knows that when you feel drawn to hire an expert, you can sit back and trust that your only job there is to show up with honesty and integrity. (After some due diligence of course).
Dr. Laura left a HUGE sure thing in chiropractic, to pursue her heart-mission to inspire and guide other women to embark on a journey back to themselves. And guys, she is SO FRIGGING GOOD AT IT. If you are ready to open your doors and let the breeze blow in, look her up. She’s the best.
Note: This is one sales page from her course platform. To see the course, you have to buy the program (and you totally SHOULD!)
Branding, Course Platform and Web Design
Platforms Used
Website: WordPress
Course Platform: Kajabi
Mailing System: Kajabi